

The West face of Jirishanca     Riccardo Cassin   1

The first ascent of Ali Ratni Tibba   Fred Harper   9

Nevado Chopicalqui, South-east ridge  Malcolm Clarbrough   13

The first ascent of Gurja Himal   Yoshimi Yakushi   17

The Salathe Wall   Chris Jones   25

Some extreme ski runs   Kurt Lapuch   31

Three peaks in Chamba-Lahul   David H. Challis   39

Climbs in the Allievi Cirque, Bregaglia   Nigel Rogers   48

The first ascent of Parvati Peak, Kulu   Marino Tremonti   53

A big leaning wall-Cima Ovest in photos   Doug Scott   59

The roof of the world from Apollo 7   T. S. Blakeney   65

Himalaya: a poem   Robin Hodgkin   70

Some new routes in South Africa   Robin Barley   71

Tirich Mir   Henry Day   79

The Theodulpass: a history   Barbara Harriss   87

New route on the Grand Pilier d'Angle   Eugeniusz Chrobak   95

Calgary climber   Brian Greenwood   101

The early years of the G.H.M.  Maurice Damesme and Tom de Lipiney  109

Return to Kanjiroba   John Tyson   114

Sixty years off-piste   Walter Kirstein   124

Huascaran: the West arete   Paddy Sherman   131

Climbs and Regional Notes


        Norway   135

        Western Alps   136

        Eastern Alps, Corsica   145

Africa   148


        Turkey   151

        Iran   157

        Soviet Union   159

        Hindu Kush   165

        Karakorum   185

       India   186

        Nepal   196

        China   202

Australia   202

New Zealand   203

North America   206

South America   210

Greenland   237

British Isles  248

Accidents, Equipment and Miscellaneous Notes  

        Accidents   265

        Equipment Notes   272

        Miscellaneous   278

Alpine Club and Editors' Notes   283

Other organisations and clubs   290

Reviews   294

Journals   318

In memoriam: members-W. Allsup, J. F. G. Clark, J. V. Hoeman, R. L. G.

       Irving, C. W. H. Thomson, N. H. L. Watts   331

Guidance for contributors   348

Standard signs on maps and photographs   349

Index   351